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Financial Aid

UNT Dallas provides several methods of assisting students in financing their education. Financial assistance (financial aid) awarded through UNT Dallas may include a combination of federal grants, scholarships, state aid programs, institutional aid programs, loans, and/or part-time work-study opportunities for those who qualify. The different types of financial aid available to UNT Dallas students are explained later in this section.

Applications and complete descriptions of all programs, requirements, and qualifications are available at the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships, Student Center. You may also call (972) 780-3662 or visit our website at


Application Period and Deadlines for federal and state aid

The application period begins October 1 of each year for the following academic year (fall, spring, summer). The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the Texas Application of State Financial Aid (TASFA) are available each October for the upcoming academic year and should be completed as early as possible. For federal financial aid, students are encouraged to apply online at Students whose application files are completed by the priority dates are ensured first consideration for awards. Application data is received electronically from the FAFSA Processing System (Federal Student Aid Programs) through which applications are processed. The application data must reach our office before a file can be processed. To ensure that your FAFSA reaches UNT Dallas, include our school code, 042421, on your application. For state financial aid, students are encouraged to access the application at The TASFA can be submitted directly to the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. Students whose application files are completed by the priority dates are ensured first consideration for awards.


UNT Dallas Priority Dates for need-based aid

  • Fall/spring term/semester: March 15

  • Spring term/semester: August 15

  • Summer term: February 15

  • A separate UNT Dallas summer application must be completed for summer financial aid. This application is available online ( in March for the following summer term. The FAFSA for the year preceding the summer is also required.

  • Priority dates for merit-based aid are provided later in this section.

General Eligibility Requirements

Before any federal assistance is granted (Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, Federal Work-Study, or loans from the Federal Direct Stafford Loan Program), general eligibility and program requirements must be met. To be eligible for financial aid you must:

  1. Establish eligibility by completing and filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA);

  2. Not be in default on any Title IV loan (Federal Perkins or Federal Stafford), or owe a refund or repayment on educational funds received at any institution;

  3. Be a U.S. citizen or eligible noncitizen;

  4. Be registered with the Selective Service if you are a male at least 18 years old born after December 31, 1959 (most males between the ages of 18 and 25, including permanent residents and other eligible noncitizens, are required to register with Selective Service);

  5. Enroll in and maintain at least a half-time class load for most programs;

  6. Use all funds received through financial aid for educational purposes;

  7. Be accepted for admission by the university and enrolled in a degree granting program;

  8. Be making satisfactory academic progress;

  9. Complete the verification process, if selected;

  10. Have a valid Social Security Number; and

  11. Have a high school diploma or a GED (general equivalency diploma)

Before any state assistance is granted (TEXAS Grant, TPEG, Tuition Grant, Texas College Work-Study), general eligibility and program requirements must be met. To be eligible for financial aid you must:

  1. Establish eligibility by completing and filing the Texas Application for State Financial Aid (TASFA);

  2. Be a non-citizen Texas resident;

  3. Submit a statement of Selective Service registration status;

  4. Enroll in and maintain at least a half-time class load for most programs;

  5. Use all funds received through financial aid for educational purposes;

  6. Be accepted for admission by the university and enrolled in a degree granting program;

  7. Be making satisfactory academic progress;

  8. Complete the verification process, if selected;

  9. Have a high school diploma or GED (general equivalency diploma);

  10. Submit an annual statement certifying that you have not been convicted for the possession or sale of illegal drugs.

Institutional need-based scholarships and grants require the submission of a complete FAFSA or TASFA as outlined above.

Note: These eligibility requirements apply to all UNT Dallas students regardless of academic career. Transient and visiting students are not eligible for financial aid.

Special Conditions for Financial Aid Applicants

  1. Refunds and Repayments. If you officially withdraw, cease attendance, or are administratively withdrawn from UNT Dallas, any refund of tuition and fees and other university charges will be assessed for return to programs from which you (or your parents if they received a Federal Parent Loan) were originally paid and you may be subject to the Return to Title IV calculation.  For more information regarding the Return to Title IV process, please visit the OFAS website at

  2. Federal, state, and institutional regulations require that each student must maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP) to be eligible for financial aid programs. Minimum standards must be achieved by the end of any given enrollment period at UNT Dallas. Satisfactory academic progress (SAP) is defined in both quantitative and qualitative measures.

  3. Official transcripts are not issued to any student who has an unpaid account or owes a defaulted federal student loan received from any university.

Satisfactory Academic Progress 

Note: This policy is subject to change at any time, and without prior notice.


Policy Statement

Federal regulations require the University of North Texas at Dallas to monitor student academic progress to ensure students establish and remain eligible to receive Federal Title IV sources of student aid. The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships (OFAS) monitors the academic progress of each recipient and potential recipient of Title IV funds to evaluate academic progress and to determine continued eligibility for Title IV student aid. 

Application of Policy

All undergraduate, graduate, and Law students who are applying for and\or receiving financial assistance. 


Academic Progress means the qualitative and pace of progression measures of a student’s progress towards completing requirements for a degree. 

Academic Term:  means a period of student enrollment. The university academic calendar includes three (3) terms including fall, spring and summer semesters. 

Financial Aid Warning:  is a financial aid status assigned to a student following an academic term in which the student did not make satisfactory academic progress. The student may still be eligible to receive Title IV program funds. 

Financial Aid Probation:  is a financial aid status assigned to a student following an academic term in which the student was on Financial Aid Warning and did not make satisfactory progress and went to Not Meeting, but the student successfully appealed the determination of lack of satisfactory progress and the SFAS determined that the student should be able to meet satisfactory academic progress standards by the end of the academic term while on financial aid probation. The student may still be eligible to receive Title IV program funds. 

Academic Plan Status:   is a financial aid status assigned to a student who will be monitored in accordance with the terms of an approved academic plan.  This status is assigned when a student’s appeal is approved following a term on financial aid probation, and SFAS determines that the students will meet satisfactory academic progress standards by the end of the academic plan.  The student may still be eligible to receive Title IV program funds.

Financial Aid Not Meeting:  is a financial aid status assigned to a student during an academic term in which a student was not meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress (“SAP”) requirements. Students are not eligible to receive Title IV program funds while at a Not Meeting status. 

Grade Point Average (GPA):  is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points by the total number of semester hours attempted in residence at the University of North Texas at Dallas which includes all courses with grades of A, B, C, D, and F. Courses with grades of P, NP, I, or W are not counted in the GPA however, they are counted as courses attempted.  For SAP purposes, SFAS uses the Cumulative Grade Point Average as defined by UNTD Academic Policy. 

Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships (OFAS) means the University of North Texas at Dallas office with specific responsibility for evaluating student academic progress to determine initial and continued eligibility for Title IV student aid. 

Procedures and Responsibilities

1. Evaluation of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) - OFAS monitors the academic progress of each recipient and potential recipient of Title IV student aid. Student academic progress is evaluated at the end of every academic term following the posting of final grades to determine continued eligibility for Title IV student aid. Evaluations of SAP by OFAS are conducted exclusively to consider eligibility for Title IV student aid and neither replace nor override other University of North Texas at Dallas academic policies related to evaluation of a student’s academic status. The standards of SAP are either the same as or stricter than the University of North Texas at Dallas academic standards for students who are not receiving Title IV student assistance. 

2. Satisfactory Academic Progress - Every graduate, undergraduate, and Law student who applies for and receives Title IV student aid must maintain SAP to remain eligible for such aid, regardless of whether the student is a first-time applicant or has received aid in the past, and regardless of whether the student attends University of North Texas at Dallas full-time or part-time. To achieve SAP, students must meet both qualitative and pace of progression standards at the end of each academic term as defined below:

A. Qualitative Requirement for SAP - To meet the standard for SAP, students must meet or exceed the following grade point average at the end of the academic term. Grades from transfer coursework at an institution other than University of North Texas at Dallas will not be factored into the calculation of a student’s cumulative GPA. 

i. Undergraduate students - 2.0 cumulative GPA for all terms. 

ii. Graduate students - 3.0 cumulative GPA for all terms. 

iii. Law students - 2.0 cumulative GPA for all terms. 

B. Pace of Progression Requirements for SAP - An ongoing measure that ensures a student in on track to complete their program in the maximum timeframe. Pace of Progression is determined by dividing the cumulative number of hours a student has successfully completed by the cumulative number of hours a student has attempted. All attempts at a course, including repeated courses, are included in the calculation of total hours attempted and pace of progression. Students must successfully complete at least 67% of all credit hours attempted.  Attempted hours include repeated, failed, incomplete, withdrawn from, and transfer credit hours.

C. Incomplete Classes - Incomplete classes will be considered the same as an “F” when evaluating SAP.  Once an Incomplete class has had a final grade assigned, in accordance with UNTD Academic Policy, SAP will be recalculated for the most current term.

D. Withdrawn Classes - Withdrawn Classes will be considered as an unsuccessful course attempt when calculating pace of progression and maximum time frame.

E.  Repeated Courses - Repeated Courses are included in the calculations for pace of progression as well as maximum time frame as both attempted hours and completed hours, if attempt was successful.  Repeated Courses are included in the cumulative GPA as defined by UNTD Academic Policy.

F.  Transfer Courses - Transfer Courses are applied in two different ways for SAP purposes.

i. Pace of Progression - All courses accepted by UNTD in transfer will be counted as hours attempted and hours completed in the pace of progression calculation.

ii. Maximum Time Frame - Only those transfer courses accepted toward a student’s current academic program of student will be counted in the maximum time frame calculation.

G.  Remedial Courses - Remedial Courses, as defined by UNTD Academic Policy, are included in the pace of progression calculations however, remedial courses are excluded from the maximum time frame calculation.

H.  Pass\No Pass Grades - Courses with a grade of “Pass” are counted as hours attempted and hours completed for the pace of progress and maximum time frame calculations.  Courses with a grade of “No Pass” are counted as an unsuccessful course attempt in the pace of progression and maximum time frame calculations.  Pass\No Pass Grades are defined by UNTD Academic Policy.

3. Financial Aid Warning - Students failing to meet SAP will be placed on financial aid warning. Students on financial aid warning remain eligible to receive Title IV program aid for the academic term following the academic term during which the student did not meet SAP standards. Students will not be placed on financial aid warning for consecutive academic terms. If a student is not meeting SAP requirements at the conclusion of an academic term which s/he is on financial aid warning, the student will not be eligible for financial aid in any future academic terms until all SAP requirements are met or the student successfully appeals as set forth below. 

4. Financial Aid Notices - Loss of Eligibility - SFAS will provide notice of the loss of eligibility for Title IV student aid to a student not meeting SAP including specific details regarding the process for re-establishing eligibility and the process for appeal of the determination. 

5. Appeal of Eligibility - Failure to Meet SAP - A student may appeal a loss of Title IV eligibility by submitting a written notice to OFAS no later than the prescribed deadline of the academic term for which a student is appealing that identifies circumstances to be considered in mitigation of the failure to make SAP. The notice of appeal must include a description of mitigating circumstances that may be considered by OFAS with an explanation of how the mitigating circumstances affected the student and how the student will be able to make SAP in the subsequent academic term. Mitigating circumstances that may be considered by SFAS include:

Serious injury to the student, or a member of the student’s immediate family, or

A. Serious injury to the student, or a member of the student’s immediate family, or

B. Serious extended illness of the student, a member of the student’s immediate family, or 

C. Death of a student’s relative, or

D. Learning disability as documented in the Office of Disability Accommodation, or 

E. Military service, or

F. Working towards a special degree, maximum credit hours or

G. Other special circumstances. 

Appeal Approved: After a successful appeal, a student may be placed on financial aid probation as set forth in paragraph 6 below. Title IV aid may be disbursed during these periods. 

Appeal Denied: If a student appeal of financial aid eligibility is denied, the student is responsible for paying educational costs until the student improves his/her academic records to meet SAP. Students who are denied due to maximum time frame are responsible for paying educational costs for the remainder of their degree plan. 

6. Financial Aid Probation - If an appeal of financial aid eligibility is approved, the student will be placed on Financial Aid Probation and Title IV aid may be disbursed during the period of probation.  The probation period must include requirements that a student must meet to achieve SAP by the end of the probationary period. If a student is not meeting SAP at the end of the financial aid probationary period, OFAS will notify the student that financial aid eligibility is denied until such time as the student is able to demonstrate SAP. Notice of loss of eligibility status following a period of financial aid probation may be appealed in accordance with the procedures set forth in paragraph 5 of this policy. 

7. Maximum Time Frame for Degree Completion - To remain eligible for Title IV student aid, undergraduate, graduate, and law students must complete degree program requirements within 150% of the published length of their degree.


The University offers a variety of competitive academic scholarships to entering freshmen, transfer, and graduate students. Information in this catalog is correct at the time of printing, but is subject to change without prior notification. Visit the UNT Dallas Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships website for additional scholarship details at


Merit Scholarships Available to Entering Freshmen Students

For Freshmen students entering the University in the fall 2024 semester, the following scholarships are available. For Freshmen Students entering the University in the spring 2025 semester, limited scholarships could be available based on funding. Beyond the application for undergraduate admission, there is no additional application for merit scholarship consideration except as noted below regarding the Presidential Scholarship. The submission of a FAFSA or TASFA is not required for merit scholarship consideration.

Priority consideration for merit scholarships will be given to those students that are fully admitted into degree granting programs by December 1 for the following academic year. Students that do not meet the priority deadline will be considered for scholarships on a rolling basis based upon their date of admission. To be fully considered for Freshmen Merit Scholarships, student must be fully admitted into degree granting programs no later than May 1. Students admitted after this deadline will only be considered if funding remains. Deadlines are strictly enforced. These scholarships are not guaranteed. All eligible students may not receive a scholarship. To maximize scholarship consideration, students should strive to be fully admitted as soon as possible.

For the 2024-2025 award year, an applicant’s unweighted high school GPA on a 4.0 scale will be used for merit scholarship decisions. This is the same GPA that is used during the admissions process. Additionally, a student’s class rank or ACT\SAT score is not considered in scholarship awarding.

Presidential Scholarship

Our most prestigious, merit-based freshman scholarship. Value of up to $66,800 ($16,700 per year, over four years of undergraduate study). (email for specific application process).

Excellence Scholarship

This scholarship has a value of up to $20,000 ($5,000 per year; $2,500 per fall & spring term) through four years of undergraduate study only or the completion of the first baccalaureate degree. To qualify, a student must have a minimum high school grade point average of 3.75. The scholarship is renewable if the student maintains a 3.00 cumulative GPA in all UNTD coursework, earns 30 hours of credit at UNT Dallas in the academic year, and meets Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). This scholarship may not be combined with any other UNT Dallas New Freshmen Scholarship except the Presidential Scholarship.

Blazer Scholarship

This scholarship has a value of up to $16,000 ($4,000 per year; $2,000 per fall & spring term) through four years of undergraduate study only or the completion of the first baccalaureate degree. To qualify, a student must have a minimum high school grade point average of 3.6 up to 3.749. The scholarship is renewable if the student maintains a 3.00 cumulative GPA in all UNTD coursework, earns 30 hours of credit at UNT Dallas in the academic year, and meets Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). This scholarship may not be combined with any other UNT Dallas New Freshmen Scholarship except the Presidential Scholarship.

Blue and Green Scholarship

This scholarship has a value of up to $12,000 ($3,000 per year: $1,500 per fall & spring term) through four years of undergraduate study only or the completion of the first baccalaureate degree. To qualify, a student must have a minimum high school grade point average of 3.4 up to 3.599. The scholarship is renewable if the student maintains a 3.00 cumulative GPA in all UNTD coursework, earns 30 hours of credit at UNT Dallas in the academic year, and meets Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). This scholarship may not be combined with any other UNT Dallas New Freshmen Scholarship except the Presidential Scholarship.

Elevate Scholarship

This scholarship has a value of up to $8,000 ($2,000 per year; $1,000 per fall & spring term) through four years of undergraduate study only or the completion of the first baccalaureate degree. To qualify, a student must have a minimum high school grade point average of 3.1 up to 3.399. The scholarship is renewable if the student maintains a 3.00 cumulative GPA in all UNTD coursework, earns 30 hours of credit at UNT Dallas in the academic year, and meets Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). This scholarship may not be combined with any other UNT Dallas New Freshmen Scholarship except the Presidential Scholarship.

Aspire Scholarship

This scholarship has a value of up to $6,000 ($1,500 per year; $750 per fall & spring term) through four years of undergraduate study only or the completion of the first baccalaureate degree. To qualify, a student must have a minimum 2.75 up to 3.099. The scholarship is renewable if the student maintains a 2.75 cumulative GPA in all UNTD coursework, earns 30 hours of credit at UNT Dallas in the academic year, and meets Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).  This scholarship may not be combined with any other UNT Dallas New Freshmen Scholarship except the Presidential Scholarship.

*If the deadline date falls on a weekend or a date in which the University is closed, the next business day will be considered the deadline.

Merit Scholarships Available to Entering Transfer Students

For Transfer Students entering the University in the fall 2024 semester, the following scholarships are available. For Transfer Students entering the University in the spring 2025 semester, limited scholarships could be available based on funding. Beyond the application for undergraduate admission, there is no additional application for merit scholarship consideration. The submission of a FAFSA or TASFA is not required for merit scholarship consideration.

Priority consideration for merit scholarships will be given to those students that are fully admitted into degree granting programs by April 15 for the following academic year. Students that do not meet the priority deadline will be considered for scholarships on a rolling basis based upon their date of admission. To be fully considered for Transfer Merit Scholarships, student must be fully admitted into degree granting programs no later than June 1. Students admitted after this deadline will only be considered if funding remains. Deadlines are strictly enforced. These scholarships are not guaranteed. All eligible students may not receive a scholarship. To maximize scholarship consideration, students should strive to be fully admitted as soon as possible.

For the 2024-2025 award year, an applicant’s overall transfer GPA on a 4.0 scale will be used for merit scholarship decisions. This is the same GPA that is used during the admissions process.

Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship

This scholarship has an annual value of up to either $4,000 or $3,500 for two years of undergraduate study only or the completion of the first baccalaureate degree. To qualify for the $4,000 ($2,000 per fall & spring terms) level a student must have an overall cumulative transfer GPA of at least 3.5. To qualify for the $3,500 ($1,750 per fall & spring terms) level a student must have an overall cumulative transfer GPA of at least 3.00 and a minimum of 30 transferable hours at time of admission. The Scholarship is renewable if the student maintains a 3.00 cumulative GPA in all UNT Dallas coursework, earns 24 hours of credit in the academic year at UNT Dallas, and meets Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). This scholarship is limited to members of Phi Theta Kappa and confirmation of membership (PTK certificate or membership card) must be submitted to the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships or the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. This scholarship cannot be combined with any other scholarships for entering transfer students.

Achieve the Dream Scholarship

This scholarship has an annual value of up to $3,000 ($1,500 per fall & spring terms) for two years of undergraduate study only or the completion of the first baccalaureate degree. To qualify, a student must have an overall cumulative transfer GPA of at least 3.00 and a minimum of 30 transferable hours at time of admission. The scholarship is renewable if the student maintains a 3.00 cumulative GPA in all UNT Dallas coursework, earns 24 hours of credit in the academic year at UNT Dallas, and meets Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). This scholarship cannot be combined with any other scholarships for entering transfers students.

Transfer Trailblazer Scholarship

This scholarship has an annual value of up to $2,000 ($1,000 per fall & spring terms) for two years of undergraduate study only or the completion of the first baccalaureate degree. To qualify, a student must have an overall cumulative transfer GPA of at least 2.75 and a minimum of 30 transferable hours at time of admission. The scholarship is renewable if the student maintains a 2.75 cumulative GPA in all UNT Dallas coursework, earns 24 hours of credit in the academic year at UNT Dallas, and meets Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). This scholarship cannot be combined with any other scholarships for entering transfer students.

General Spring Transfer Scholarship

This scholarship has a lifetime value of up to $4,000 ($1,000 per fall & spring terms) for up to four semesters of undergraduate study only or the completion of the first baccalaureate degree. To qualify, a student must have an overall cumulative transfer GPA of at least 2.75 and a minimum of 30 transferable hours at time of admission.  The scholarship is renewable if the student maintains a 2.75 cumulative GPA in all UNT Dallas coursework, earns 24 hours of credit their first year at UNT Dallas, and meets Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). This scholarship cannot be combined with any other scholarships for entering transfer students. This scholarship is not guaranteed to be awarded every spring term, only if funding is available. 

*If the deadline date falls on a weekend or a date in which the University is closed, the next business day will be considered the deadline.

Promise Partnerships and Programs for Undergraduate Students

Promise Partnerships and Programs at UNT Dallas ensure eligible participating students will receive a combination of federal, state, and/or institutional funding to cover the full cost of tuition and/or mandatory fees based on the program. Funding is renewable for up to four years or the completion of the first bachelor’s degree as outlined below.*

Dallas County Promise (DCP)

  • Graduate from participating high schools in Dallas County

  • Complete Dallas Promise Path Form through DCP

  • Meet all published deadlines and criteria through DCP

  • Household AGI (student and parent) of $65,000 or less

  • DCP pay only tuition, not fees or other charges, that is not covered by other federal, state, or institutional scholarships, grants, waivers, or exemptions


Tarrant To & Through (T3) Partnership

  • Graduate from participating high schools in Tarrant County

  • Complete T3 Partnership Pledge through T3 Partnership Program

  • Meet all published deadline and criteria through T3

  • T3 pays only tuition and mandatory course fees that are not covered by other federal, state, or institutional scholarships, grants, waivers, or exemptions


TEXOMA Promise

  • Must graduate from participating North Texas school districts, Grayson College, or the TEXOMA Community

  • Complete TEXOMA pledge through TEXOMA Promise

  • Meet all published deadlines and criteria through TEXOMA Promise

  • TEXOMA Promise pays only tuition and mandatory course fees that are not covered by other federal, state, or institutional scholarships, grants, waivers, or exemptions

Red River Promise

  • Must graduate from participating school districts in Cooke, Montague, or Young counties in Texas

  • Complete Red River pledge through Red River Promise

  • Meet all published deadlines and criteria through Red River Promise

  • Red River Promise pays only tuition and mandatory course fees that are not covered by other federal, state, or institutional scholarships, grants, waivers, or exemptions

Renewal Criteria for all Promise Partnership Programs

  • Enroll for a minimum of 6 hours for the term and earn at least 24 semester credit hours each academic year at UNT Dallas

  • 2.0 minimum UNT Dallas cumulative GPA and maintain SAP eligibility

  • Submit a complete FAFSA or TASFA each year

  • Renewable for up to 4 years for first-time freshmen and up to 3 years for transfers; applicable for the first bachelors degree only

 Graduate Scholarships

Graduate School Academic Achievement Scholarship (application required)

The University of North Texas at Dallas Graduate School Scholarship Committee will administer the application and selection process for the Graduate School Academic Achievement Scholarship. Students are eligible to receive the UNT Dallas Graduate School Academic Achievement Scholarship for a maximum of three academic years (nine semesters) depending on the program of study. Master’s degree students completing degrees requiring 30-48 credit hours may receive the scholarship for up to two (2) years or 6 semesters. Master’s degree students completing degrees requiring 60 credits hours may receive the scholarship for up to three (3) years or 9 semesters. The standard scholarship allotment per student at UNT Dallas is currently a minimum of $500 or maximum of $1,000 per semester or $1,500 or a maximum of $3,000 per academic standard year. Students who were previously awarded a scholarship and have exhausted the semester limit for that program prior to graduation may not apply for another scholarship should they decide to enroll in extra courses to pursue an additional certification or master’s degree program.

Eligibility requirements for New Students: Applicants must have been admitted to a UNT Dallas master’s degree program or have a completed application file. Applicants who will be first-time graduate students should, at a minimum, have a 2.80 or higher overall GPA or a 3.00 or higher GPA on the last 60 hours of coursework leading to the bachelor’s degree.

Eligibility requirements for Current Graduate Students: Applicants who have completed UNT Dallas graduate-level coursework must have a 3.50 GPA on a minimum of 6 credit hours of prior graduate-level work.

Applicants who have already earned a master’s degree or higher are ineligible for this scholarship.

Application Requirements: Submit a professional resume (should include any community service, volunteering, etc.) and an essay (minimum of 500 words).


Grant Programs

Federal Pell Grant

Actual eligibility levels are determined by federal standards through the Central Processing System (Federal Student Aid Programs). To receive funds after eligibility is determined, a student must maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards as defined by Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships and be classified as an undergraduate. Pell grant awards are based on the student’s actual enrollment.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

This is a need-based grant for undergraduate students only and is awarded to students with the lowest EFC.  Half-time enrollment and meeting satisfactory academic progress (SAP) is required.  The award about is $1,000.

Texas Public Education Grant (TPEG)

TPEG is awarded on a first-come first-served basis based upon availability of funds, established financial need, at least half-time enrollment, and maintaining satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards as defined by the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships.

Tuition Grant (TG)

TG is awarded on a first-come first-served basis based upon availability of funds, established financial need, at least half-time enrollment, and maintaining satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards as defined by Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships.

Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant

IASG is award is equal to the amount of a maximum Federal Pell Grant for the award year but cannot exceed your cost of attendance for that award year. For more information about the Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant please go to

IASG Eligibility

You may be eligible to receive the Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant if:

  • You are not eligible for a Federal Pell Grant on the basis of your Expected Family Contribution but

  • Meet the remaining Federal Pell Grant eligibility requirements, and

  • Your parent or guardian was a member of the U.S. armed forces and died as a result of military service performed in Iraq or Afghanistan after the events of 9/11, and

  • You were under 24 years old or enrolled in college at least part-time at the time of your parent’s or guardian’s death.

Teacher Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program

This program provides grants up to $4,000 per year to students who intend to teach in a public or private elementary or secondary school that serves students from low-income families.

TEACH Grant recipients must agree to teach for at least four academic years within eight calendar years of completing the program of study for which a TEACH Grant was received.

IMPORTANT: If you receive the grant and fail to graduate or complete this service obligation, all amounts of TEACH Grants received will be converted to a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan. Please note that loan interest will be retroactive and calculated with an effective date from the original award disbursement. You must then repay this loan to the U.S. Department of Education, with interest charged from the date the grant(s) was disbursed.

Texas Grant Program

This is a state grant program for undergraduate Texas residents. Eligibility is based on full time enrollment; established financial need; graduation from a public or accredited private high school in Texas; completion of the recommended, advanced, or distinguished high school curriculum; no felony conviction or crime involving a controlled substance; and the availability of funds. The student must enroll in an eligible institution within 16 months of high school graduation, or within 12 months of receiving an associate’s degree (associate’s degree must have been conferred after May 1, 2001).



Federal Work-Study Program

Eligibility for the Federal Work-Study Program is determined by established financial need and availability of funds to make awards, at least half-time enrollment and maintaining satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards as defined by the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships. Students awarded the Federal Work-Study Program are eligible to earn the financial aid amount awarded through a work-study job. Most positions require 15-20 hours of work per week. Students apply directly to the department with the open position listed on the web site. The employing department will select students for interviews based on availability of funds, student work skills, educational background and interest. Eligibility must be determined each term/semester to continue in the Federal Work-Study Program.

Career Services

Career Services provides a variety of employment opportunities- full-time and part-time and internships off campus to currently enrolled students and alumni. For information, call 972-338-1782.


Loan Programs

Direct Loan Program

All Direct Loans (subsidized, unsubsidized, Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students [PLUS]) are awarded based upon established financial need, at least half-time enrollment and maintaining satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards as defined by the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) must be submitted before an award will be determined. Maximum and aggregate limits are imposed based upon classification status. Repayment criteria vary depending upon the time the funds are borrowed.


Benefits for Veterans

Students who have served in the military or who are currently serving or dependents/spouses of our veterans may be eligible to receive benefits from the federal Department of Veteran Affairs (VA). For information on benefit eligibility, how to apply and current pay rates please visit

Current Educational Programs:

  • Selected Reserves (Chapter 1606)

  • Reserve Educational Assistance Program (Chapter 1607)

  • Montgomery GI Bill® (Chapter 30)

  • Post 9/11 GI Bill® (Chapter 33)

  • Survivors and Dependents Assistance Program (Chapter 35)

  • Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Chapter 31)

Responsibilities for students under Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Chapter 31); Post-9/11 GI Bill® (Chapter 33); Selected Reserves (Chapter 1606); Reserve Educational Assistance Program (Chapter 1607); Montgomery GI Bill® (Chapter 30); and Survivors and Dependents Assistance Program (Chapter 35)

  1. Apply for benefits at:

  2. Submit a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance. (both veterans and dependents/spouses)

  3. Submit the member 4 copy of your DD214. (both veterans and dependents/spouses)

  4. Provide us with an unofficial copy of your Military Transcripts and have an official copy sent directly to the school. When you are entering your information on the JST site, be sure to type your name exactly how it is printed on your DD214. (Veterans only)

  5. The university may also require additional payment or impose a fee for the amount that is the difference between the amount of the student’s financial obligation and the amount of the VA education benefit disbursement. This applies only if you are not receiving 100% of your Post 9/11 benefit, or if you incur miscellaneous fees such as new student orientation, that the VA does not cover.

  6. As of December 17, 2021, all Post 9/11 (Chapter 33) students will be required to verify their enrollment at the end of every month. On the last day of the month, you will call the VA and inform the representative that you are still registered for classes for the month. Instead of normal pay date on the 1st of every month, this could possibly push it back to the second week of the month for processing. Failure to certify your enrollment every month will result in non-payment. Keep in mind that if the last day of the month falls on a weekend, you will call the following business day.

VA Educational Line: 1-888-442-4551; you will be asked for your social/file number and name. Once they have your information pulled up let them know you are calling to certify your enrollment for the month. Be sure to ask how long processing will take so you will know when to expect payment.

Additional information concerning veteran benefits can be found in the Veterans Success Center. The Veteran Success Center (VSC) is located in the Student Center and can be contacted at You can also refer to our website for more information:


Hazlewood Act for Texas Veterans

Qualifying Texas veterans, and their qualifying dependent spouses and children, may be eligible to receive the Hazlewood Act. The Hazlewood Act is a State of Texas program that exempts tuition and most fees for eligible Texas Veterans and their eligible dependents, at Texas, public post-secondary institutions. Application forms and information on tuition exemptions for qualified veterans, and their dependents, are available online at or our Student Business Services’ webpage. For additional information please contact

Additional information concerning veteran benefits can be found in the Veterans Success Center. The Veteran Success Center (VSC) is located in the Student Center and can be contacted at