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DCHEM-BS - Chemistry, BS

Natural Sciences School of Liberal Arts and Sci BS - Bachelor of Science

Catalog Full Description

A Bachelor of Science program in Chemistry will empower students with a degree in a highly flexible and desired STEM discipline. Chemistry is often called the “central science” because it touches many different sectors. Currently, biology is our only offering in the natural sciences. Despite that, the department has one of the greatest growth rates at UNT Dallas. A degree offering in chemistry will harness that enthusiasm students have for careers in STEM fields desired STEM discipline. Chemistry is often called the “central science” because it touches many different sectors. Currently, biology is our only offering in the natural sciences. Despite that, the department has one of the greatest growth rates at UNT Dallas. A degree offering in chemistry will harness that enthusiasm students have for careers in STEM fields.

Program Coordinator: Dr. Muhammed Yousufuddin, Phone: 972-338-1528, Email:

Effective Start Date
